
Check out these resources for coaches and consultants to help your online business.

AI Assisted Content Creation

A presentation on how you can use AI to quickly and easily generate helpful content for your audience that is MORE YOU and less a robot!

  1. Includes a step by step content plan
  2. AI cheat sheet to get the best results
  3. Repurpose plan to magnify your impact

Simple Website Plan

How to go about your website in THE MOST efficient way possible. This presentation covers topics that are most helpful when you are starting or reworking your website. 

It also covers the common pitfalls you should avoid and the absolute necessities you should have configured on your website right from start.

Coming Soon.

Simple & Effective SEO

Most of the information and training on SEO is unfortunately extremely technical and complicated.

It does NOT have to be.

This is your simplest and most effective guide towards understanding SEO in English (and not Geekenglish). Get ready to completely shift your thinking and approach towards writing content.

Coming Soon.